
What is PBCool?

An advanced PunkBuster Screen Shot Viewer for Americas Army

"I first made this tool to automate the process of looking at PB SS's. It then turned into something that I could develop for for the whole AAO Community."

Features include: (but not limited to)

  • Player Sorting by Name, and or Connection Status
  • Screen Shot Time Filtering
  • Ultra Fast PBSVSS Log downloading in Three different modes
  • Quick Log Refreshing
  • User-friendly Interface
  • Useful features like copying a Player's GUID or whole log entry to the clipboard from a PBSS
  • Browsing Screen Shots by User
  • Instant Ban Info Lookups from a database of 60,000 AC Bans
  • Self-managing Master Ban List search engine which automatically scans the users your browsing, the MBL consists of all bans from AASA, ACI, PsB, and AON, over 60,000 bans (Provided by Yapple from AON)

What PBCool is

What does it look like?

What it looks like

What Licence


You can actually download the source code for PBCool 3.09.0002 < here >

You can also download a Windows Installer for PBCool 3.09.0002 < here >

PBCool's Licence

PBCool's System Requirements

  • Operating System:
    Win98 / Win2K / WinXP [Only tested on WindowsXP NT 5.1]
  • Network:
    Internet Access (Outbound Port 80 [HTTP], and 1717[Unreal Game Query])
  • Disk Allocation:
    At-least 10 MB *Estimate (not including Setup)
  • Other Technologies:
    Internet Explorer 5+

What PBCool needs to be happy
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